Thought of posting some of the stuff i have been developing for quiet some time. sharing some of the artwork, a few projects went on hold as the recession hit last year. others are magazine illustrations for few national and international publications.
Last couple of months have been really full of ups and downs. from extreme alcoholism to zero alcoholism. from coldest weathers (i m talking bout Pune ;P) to the sweatiest streets. from canvases to new media projects! Phew!! the year really ended well. Amongst everything from past few days, few moments which i remember are about cutting my Beard and becoming younger by atleast couple o years so the security agencies of this country do not consider me as a terrorist. then was a a period spent in Goa where it was doodle addiction and the High still continues like never before. Along came couple of roadtrips and off-season rainfalls. Then was the Avatar High. A film which got back my lost child and everytime when i watch Avatar cheering Na'Vi's... I am so motivated. the most amazing film, film experience i have had after Godfather. I leave this space on one and onlyNew Year Resolution, Avoid Plastic usage as much as I can.