MY hard disk crashed.
the worst tragedies u come across in ur life.
i am in a process to recover due course of time.
i got a new hdd, for time being, working over it.
so scanned a few sketches n thought of updating the blog.
have been waiting to update it since a long time...
time is timeless. long time is even more timeless.
don't u think so?
and this time has inspired me. so i wast time in doodling.
and some time cribbing over "segate" a brand that makes
so called good hdd drives. but useless in my case.
i am n useless case, my mom usually says that. so i
thought of buying an external casing for my hdd.
but guess what....EVEN THAT PROVED TO BE USELESS...!!!!
this proves nothing but useless technologies n my useless logic's.

so just enjoy my illustrations n if u feel like using ur hdd
to comment..pls do that.
guys, donot buy hard disks. thy are usless.

hate hdd

these are how pune(pune, a place in maharashtra from where i come from. my native. a small and beautiful city with small n unhealthy roads) roads are. i know i am talking completely out of context.
but being out of context is a context itself. but who knows a context? please explain it to me. please do come contextual enquiry about context. and also about pune roads.
the cycle, early mornin, i was it n sketched in 15-20 seconds , just added a cat near the cycle with milk container. my city is full of cats. so i added a cat in the traffic scene also. that doesn't mean that i like em.
OK guys, irrelevancy is increasing here, Ill go.

chai (tea) time