Wednesday, August 16, 2006

a Clown

just a phase of my emotions.. was smiling and laughing but deep in my heart, the happiness was somewhere some place...with this clown. he makes all smile as it is his job but deep under him, in his heart...hes is just lost. neutral about his real happiness. things and emotions around and in you do reflect your expressions.


Tapan Gandhi said...

whoa so deep

and also very true

1teardrop said...

hey buddy, good have a gift and you are using it in a right way......

SaiK said...

awesome hai re ... put new stuff na ... i am always desperately waiting to see something new come up... cheers !!!

Unknown said...

amazing work...i think u r a magician..keep it up

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

i think u r a magcian n nt a clown...spectacular work.

harshvardhan kadam said...

thanks all..
and kartika..
m just a human being...